20 October 2005


Well the 29th birthday came, and went, without anyone getting hurt; or drunk for that matter. I can remember a day when birthdays meant getting shit-faced and trying to remember what you did the night of...or trying to forget sometimes as well...ahhh. good times. But I don't miss them.

This time around though - Us old folks hung out at the house, had dinner with my Mom, and that was about it!! So exciting I know.

I did make a nice purchase over the weekend though, I now own a portable router and router table. I used it a little bit and coated the entire garage with sawdust. Probably should get a shop-vac hooked up to that thing, or use it outside. Anyway, should come in hand for making some nice picture frames and my current work: luggage stand. Yep, still workin' on it.

Working on getting pics of Jennie's new fiddle posted too, maybe sometime this year.

Went golfing yesterday, man am I horrible. Not even going to mention the scorecard, my score barely fit on there.

- Meadville Bulldog Hockey (Pennsylvania) has kicked off their season and are so far, unbeaten. This is where I played H.S. hockey. They are top-notch, check them out if you live in the Mid-Atlantic (PA,NY, OH area) and enjoy highschool sports.

- Austin Ice Bats (CHL) are beginning their season this weekend here in Austin. I sat on the bench for them for a few games in the past, would have been nice to play. A word from some insiders say the team doesn't stand to win many games unless they beat the shit out of most of the other teams' players. Folks around here should love it then...I've gotta' get pics of the mullets once can find in the stands around here; they're better than the players' hair-don'ts (as opposed to "hair-do's").

- Private Lessons - I still haven't found out what is up with the operations folks that run the rink here in town, they told me it was going to be $150/hr for ice time. I must have walked right past those money trees in my yard, either that or missed the harvest season. Not gonna' happen. So those goalies will have to wait for something else to come along. I will try to get to their practices to help them, but there is only so much you can do in 5 minute sections. But it's better than nothing. Goalies; will always be 3rd class citizens.


BPDubs said...

Isn't it amazing how much better you feel when you don't get fall-down drunk? Like, you still feel that life is worth living? What were we thinking when we were younger? :)

JB said...

Yep - it's still fun once in a while, but overall, it's highly overrated.