28 October 2005

Halloween Haiku

Trick or treat smell my
feet in your pillowcases
and wrappers of gold

- On the previous post, my wife didn't think I talked about how much fun I had on my birthday, so here i am saying how much fun i had.
Thanks to Tim for the book, C & E also for the book, and the tasty beer! (beer always qualifies as a great gift) Seth - thank you for the video, it's great. Mom, thanks for the yummy cake, and the golf $$. I didn't know that was the same cake that my Dad loved to eat. Jennie, thank you for all the wonderful things you do. It was a great birthday. A 29 I'll never forget.

Happy Haloween all.

1 comment:

BPDubs said...

"On the previous post, my wife didn't think I talked about how much fun I had on my birthday, so here i am saying how much fun i had."

That's just too funny. She's a good wife -- making you give proper thank yous. :)

Beer really is the perfect all-occasion gift, isn't it? It's good for birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, house-warmings, bar mitzvahs...well, maybe not bar mitzvahs...