26 May 2005


I'm going to repost this quote because I need to read it again due to the last few days i've experienced:

The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.
- Aristotle

I really didn't have a terrible day in terms of total shit-dome. But when you look at the small picture:

- I had to drive to Dallas for work. Not leaving until 3pm. I had to rent a car, cause my wonderful ride might not make it back from Dallas. [the ride to Dallas is a cluster-F waiting to happen]

- When I go to rent the car, the fantastically helpful folks at Hurtz-dont-it rentals tell me my card won't work (Great)

- Finally resolved that issue and trudge up the highway. Do the job (45 mins tops) and get back in the car. In the mean-time I had to dispense 100 bones to the client for a "fee" out of my own pocket.

- Get back home about 10pm and couldn't sleep. But, that's ok, I get to sleep in the next day. Only having to return the rental by 10am.

- Upon returning the rental car, I find my car with broken glass and a missing stereo. &#^% *&@#! @(*#*...needless to say. That cost 140$ for the window and now no stereo.

- I'd say that qualifies for a decently bad day.

I have a place to call home, food to eat, a car that does run, and a great dog. A beautiful woman who has committed to be my Bride, and a job that pays most of the bills.

There is more to it than that, but when I look at it, those are the things that make "it" okay.


JB said...

some responses to my own bad day -

- got my 100$ back from the client fee

- still no stereo in my car

- now our other car needs a check up before I drive it half way across the US for my wedding. That ought to be cheap! {right}

Anonymous said...

Stop Bitching! Oh ya, I know a place in Pennsylvania you can buy a new car. SP

Metalord221 said...

hello just wanted to introduce myself. i would like you to visit my blog if you can.
i need some responses