10 May 2005

Austin Voting FLOP

A flop on the issues

Get this -- an election for city officials and council members where only 14.9% of registered voters cast votes. What kind of shit is this?? I thought Austin was a pro-active town, where it's residents have the mind-set to participate in items like this?

They passed a smoking ban, the second one actually. The initial one really didn't do a whole lot, but now, it will be tough for restaurants and bars. Especially all the nightlife places that thrive on drinking, smoking, and late night carousing. Drinking and smoking seem to go hand in hand, especially when you are listening to some type of music one might like.

ANYWAY...all you folks out there that didn't get off your drunk, smoke stenched ass - don't bitch and complain, cause you had your chance to shoot it down.

[by the way, i voted for the ban. so ha.]


Anonymous said...

i agree. a pretty pathetic turnout. part of the problem is that the local elections are not very well publicized as national elections are. another problem is that too many people are too lazy.

i'm delighted the smoking ban passed. i believe the reason it was so close, though, is because it was worded very badly. the way the question was prompted to the voter made it difficult to know how to vote for it. also, it wasn't that the first smoking ban didn't do much. it's that the city council overturned the public's decision to support a ban. that's democracy at its finest these days. doesn't matter that the public supported it, businesses and corporations are more important. that is why this ban restricts the city council from overturning it AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

yep. Just hope that folks don't quit going places 'cause i can't have a dart, man'...lamo-excuse. Smoking is gross.


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