12 May 2005

Party-time -"it's fun-time"

It's party time in Austin. A party is being thrown in our Honour--this weekend, should be a good one. Our friends Margaret and Howie are coming from NC for this one!! Hopefully we'll have some good pics and stories out of it too. Margaret put the invites together and sent them out, each one had an item for the person(s) to bring to the party; such as: beer, wine, appetizer, entree, dessert, you get the idea.

So yes, it is a pot-luck style dinner. Jennie and I have spent some good hours in the back yard and in the house getting it all hussied-up for our guests. We don' git too many folk in our nape o' the neck. Andrea has been involved too, designing different ideas for themes and what-not, dressing up tables and chairs and who-knows what else!

We had some live entertainment set-up: no not mud wrestling, although a slip-n'-slide w/baby oil did enter the conversation - - no we had the fabulous Seth Walker and friends set to play a bit, but alas, he has found a real paying gig.
Opening for Delbert McClinton in Gruene Hall (the oldest dance hall in Texas, no joke). It's good for him, when music is your LIFE, you tend to go where the $$ are. Especially in that business, we'll miss him but we can't blame him, hopefully he'll be able to join us later.
A recent shitty-thought: That we have a lame-o party and people are ready to leave by 10pm. That would be a bummer
. But Justin, I know I can count on you!! - "Yep"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least I know you have a life besides this site. Have fun at the party tell fitch I said hello. SP