26 June 2006

More guitar pics

Here is a picture of my 'cleats' that I made when I fixed the crack in the side.
Not too bad, a little rough around the edges; literally, I forgot to guard against filing down against the side, but no one will hopefully see up there anytime soon, except me.

This picture shows the layout from the Tailblock. All looks pretty straight from here. The only thing off in this picture is that my ends near the tailblock did not line up just right. After doing more reading I've seen the proper way to cut the sides to length [by installing 1 side at a time in the mold with clamps. Then make your cut to center] I did it the uneducated way, I measured, marked, measured again, pulled from the mold and cut. It is tough to make a square cut on a rounded material; I know that now.

I also know there is more than one way to skin a cat - and many cats on the KGB site are doing it just their way(s) as well; glad we've all got a great source of info there too!!

The kerfing has been installed on the bottom (which will actually be the top of the guitar). Just waiting to sand with my sanding board and get the top braced and we'll have 1/2 the box enclosed.

This is tarting to come along nicely. I am really enjoying this work as well. It's really a reward to see where things are going and see that i'm creating a nice piece of art here.

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