02 January 2006

Off to a good start

Well, I hope everyone had a good end of 2005. It will be your only chance to end that year. Each year, you only get one chance at it!

The same goes for the beginning of the new year too. Unfortunately I threw out my back, like an ol man.

But I did finish my project finally, and I'll post a few pictures here to show. Also, we finally got a digital camera and I'll be able to post more pics more often.

The new job is good too, by the way. I haven't had to do too much yet, but I'm sure I'll be posting on here about the same, more from home though, not at the office. That might be frowned upon...

Also, here is finally a picture of the fiddle that was given to Jennie by my Grandfather in California. It was built between 1890-1900 in Germany.

More later,



Anonymous said...


Happy holidays! We tried to send you an xmas card it was returned - wrong addy!

nice table
hope the new job is good! tell jenny we said hello

JB said...

it's not a table, gosh. I'm supposed to tell u it's Jennie - with an "ie".

talk soon,