26 April 2005

The drive to know -- something

I wrote this last week sometime, just now getting it posted. It has been nicer here of late so that's an improvement. Everything else is historically the same.
Why is being the pope such an "honor". You wait all those years to be "elected" to this position, by the time you get there, you are so old, can you really soak it in? I guess so, Billions and gazillions of people the world over still listen to him. Whichever one it ends up being.

Why do people like to ride my ass on the way home in the car? Why? I drive a piece of shit, you know i'm not going to go fast, cause it looks like it will barely run. Yet you persist in edging closer and closer to my bumper. One of these days it's just going to fall off and i'm going to get out of the car and completely lose it on someone. ...and it won't be my fault!

Why is it that I am writing in this box and not doing something useful?

What is more important A - Keeping your lawn mowed so the neighbors don’t think you are a slob?? or B - Keeping your fly up in the office so they don't laugh??

It has been an interesting week here in Austin. It has rained. I have been grumpy. Sometimes at work my head feels like an ant-hill. One of those humungous ones that looks like a dirt-bike ramp. Then there's an aardvark, he waltz's up and drops one, and I feel like a shit-head.

Two friends of mine recently passed away. It reminds me that there are other worlds than this simple place. There are more important things to life than the blunders of my day and the errors of my ways. Yes, those things are life. But they also are not life. We all view life in our own personal way, and that is amazing. There is bad advice, good advice, no advice, and some advice. Here is some advice: live your life whilst you can.


Anonymous said...

i will address your issues in order.

1. not all popes are elected as old as the current pope. john paul II was elected in his 50's. this is what you call a transition pope (someone who probably won't be in power that long). and he was picked to slow down the progress the catholic church had been making and getting it back to its strict core values. i mean god forbid people start actually thinking for themselves. he will probably piss off a lot of people, but again he probably won't be in power that long.

2. people ride your ass because they are assholes. however, i am one of those assholes. but i only ride peoples' asses when they either cut me off or they are in the fast lane and not in the slow line.

3. you are doing something useful by "writing in this box". you are getting things off your chest and probably relieving some stress while doing it. it's possible that not doing this could be worse for you both mentally and physically.

4. neither is important. i could care less about what my neighbors thought. the only reason i would mow is to keep the home owners association off my ass. leaving your fly down on the other hand is funny, and laughter is sometimes the best medicine. you could be making someone's day a "little" brighter.

5. don't let work get you down so much. also, at least you get to work from home every once in a while.

6. sorry about your friends, but good advice. take your own advice and again don't let work get you down so much. it is not as important as other things in life. seize the day my friend.

JB said...

Thanks for your help. so many times you put stuff out there and no one pays attention to it.
1- I understand the transition thing, I just don't understand the idea behind it. Maybe I don't want to?
2- I don't stay in the left if i'm not passing. But the assholes still must ride-on...
3- I know, it was more of a rhetorical ? and just a passing phrase to move to the next bitch session
4- refer to #3 above
5- well, some days are like that. I try not to get emotionally involved in my work, but at the same time, it's tough not to be into what you are doing. You spend this time away from doing what you really like (in my case anyway) and you find yourself frustrated. I do what I can.
6- Thank you for the sympathy. I love to make music, and I listen to it often; to get me through the day and get me through the moods that this life brings with it. It's good therapy, especially when you can make music with the people you love.